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  • Writer's pictureEliza Douglas

Activities for July... Eliza Douglas

July is a great month for teenagers to explore various activities, both indoors and outdoors. Here are some ideas for things you can do in July 2024:

Outdoor Activities:

1. Beach or Pool Days:

    Enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and playing beach volleyball.

2. Have a beach picnic or a pool party with friends.

Camping and Hiking:

1. Explore local trails and campgrounds.

2. Plan a camping trip with friends or family and engage in activities like roasting marshmallows and stargazing.

3. Biking and Skateboarding:

4. Ride bikes or skateboards around the neighborhood or local parks.

5. Visit a skate park to practice tricks and meet other skaters.

Outdoor Sports:

1. Play sports like soccer, basketball, or frisbee in a local park.

2. Join a summer sports league or club.

Nature Exploration:

1. Visit botanical gardens, nature reserves, or zoos.

2. Go on a nature scavenger hunt or participate in a wildlife-watching activity.​ ​

Indoor Activities:

1. Art and Craft Projects:

     1. Engage in DIY projects like painting, tie-dyeing clothes, or creating jewelry.

     2. Attend a local art class or workshop.

2. Reading and Writing:

     1. Start a summer reading challenge or join a book club.

     2. Write stories, poems, or keep a journal.

3. Cooking and Baking:

     1. Try out new recipes and host a cooking or baking day with friends.

     2. Learn to cook different cuisines and make themed meals.

4. Movies and TV Shows:

     1. Have movie marathons or binge-watch TV series.

     2. Visit a local theater for new movie releases or watch outdoor movie screenings.

5. Gaming:

     1. Play video games with friends online or in-person.

     2. Organize a game night with board games or card games.

Learning and Growth:

1. Volunteering:

     1. Participate in community service projects or volunteer at local organizations.

     2. Join environmental clean-up events or help at animal shelters.

2. Summer Camps and Workshops:

     1. Attend summer camps focused on interests like sports, arts, or science.

     2. Enroll in workshops to learn new skills, such as coding, photography, or music.

3. Part-Time Jobs or Internships:

     1. Gain work experience with a part-time job or internship.

     2. Explore career interests and build a resume.

4. Fitness and Wellness:

     1. Join a gym or take fitness classes like yoga, dance, or martial arts.

     2. Practice mindfulness and meditation.

Social Activities:

1. Concerts and Festivals:

     1. Attend local concerts, music festivals, or cultural fairs.

     2. Enjoy live performances and discover new artists.

2. Theme Parks and Amusement Parks:

    1. Visit nearby theme parks or water parks for a day of fun.

    2. Plan a trip to an amusement park with friends.

3. DIY Spa Day:

    1. Create a spa day at home with face masks, manicures, and relaxation.

    2. Invite friends over for a pampering session.

4. Picnics and BBQs:

    1. Organize a picnic in the park or a backyard BBQ.

    2. Play outdoor games like badminton, cornhole, or tug-of-war.

Travel and Exploration:

1. Road Trips:

     1. Plan a road trip to explore nearby cities or natural attractions.

     2. Visit landmarks, museums, and scenic spots along the way.

2. Local Adventures:

    1. Be a tourist in your own city by visiting local attractions you haven't seen before.

    2. Explore new cafes, shops, and hidden gems.

3. Workshops and Tours:

    1. Attend workshops or tours focused on history, art, or science.

    2. Participate in guided tours of interesting local sites.

These activities can provide a mix of fun, relaxation, and personal growth, ensuring a memorable and enriching summer for teenagers. Wishing you a fun time whatever you decide to do...

​Eliza Douglas

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