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Friendships... Eliza Douglas

As a teenager, it's important to look for friends who support and respect you, share common interests, and encourage your growth and well-being. Here are some key qualities to consider:


A good friend is someone you can rely on and trust with your thoughts, feelings, and secrets.

Trustworthiness in a friend means being reliable, honest, and loyal. It's about knowing that you can depend on your friend to keep their word, honor their commitments, and be there for you when you need them.

Here are some key qualities to consider:


Look for friends who respect your boundaries, opinions, and values, even if they differ from their own.


Seek out friends who are there for you during both good times and bad, offering a shoulder to lean on and words of encouragement.

Common Interests:

Shared interests and hobbies can be a great foundation for a strong friendship. It gives you something to bond over and activities to enjoy together.


A good friend is empathetic and understanding, able to see things from your perspective and offer compassion when needed.


Friends who are dependable and keep their promises are valuable, as they show they value your friendship and respect your time.

Positive Influence:

Surround yourself with friends who have a positive influence on you, encouraging you to be your best self and make good choices.

Fun and Enjoyable:

Friendship should be enjoyable! Look for friends who make you laugh, have fun with you, and make spending time together a pleasure.


Effective communication is key to any relationship. Seek friends with whom you can communicate openly and honestly, resolving conflicts maturely and expressing your feelings without fear of judgment.


Friends who inspire you to learn, grow, and pursue your goals are invaluable. They challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and reach your full potential.

Remember, it's also important to be a good friend yourself by embodying these qualities and being supportive, trustworthy, and respectful to others. Quality friendships take time to develop, so don't rush into them and be patient in finding the right people who truly enrich your life.

​Eliza Douglas

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