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  • Writer's pictureEliza Douglas

Writing a Book Review... Eliza Douglas

So, you’ve read a great book and you want to leave a positive review … where do you start?

Writing a good book review involves a mix of objective analysis and subjective interpretation. Here's a basic structure and some key elements you might want to include:


Start with a brief overview of the book, including its title, author, genre, and publication date. You can also mention why you chose to read the book or your initial expectations.


Provide a concise summary of the book's plot, its main themes, and characters. Avoid spoilers, but give enough information to give readers an idea of what the book is about and why they might enjoy reading it.

Analysis and Evaluation of a Book

Writing Style:

Comment on the author's writing style. Is it engaging, descriptive, poetic, etc.? If there was a particular paragraph that you liked, provide an example from the text to support your opinion.


Evaluate the plot structure, pacing, and coherence. Did the story flow well? Were there any plot holes or inconsistencies?


Discuss the development of the characters. Did they feel realistic and well-rounded? Did their actions and motivations make sense?


Analyze the themes explored in the book. How effectively were they conveyed? Did they resonate with you personally?


Consider the originality of the book. Did it offer a fresh perspective or innovative ideas within its genre?


Reflect on the emotional or intellectual impact of the book. Did it provoke thought, evoke strong emotions, or prompt you to reconsider certain ideas?

Target Audience:

Assess who might enjoy this book. Is it suitable for a specific age group or demographic?

Comparison (Optional):

If applicable, compare the book to similar works in its genre or by the same author. Highlight what sets it apart or how it stacks up against other books.


Summarize your overall opinion of the book. Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not? You can also include any final thoughts or lingering questions the book left you with.

Personal Touch:

Don't be afraid to inject some personality into your review. Share your personal reactions and experiences with the book, but remember to support your opinions with evidence from the text.


Finally, proofread your review for clarity, coherence, and grammar before publishing it. A well-written review is more likely to be taken seriously by other readers.

Remember, while it's essential to be honest in your review, it's also important to be respectful. Even if you didn't enjoy the book, try to express your criticisms constructively and avoid personal attacks on the author. Ultimately, a good book review helps readers make informed decisions about what to read next ... so leave a review.

​Eliza Douglas

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